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   DVD - The Longsword of Johannes Liechtenauer Part I


Price: $29.95
Item Number: ATV000002
Running time: 90 mins.
Studio: Agilitas TV
Region: 0 (international)
Format: NTSC, Color, Fullscreen
Language: English

Learn the ancient and noble art of fighting with the long- or "hand-and-a-half" sword according to the teachings of the medieval fencing master Johannes Liechtenauer! Reconstructed from 14th - 16th c manuscripts and illuminations, the highly effective fighting techniques and principles of this elegant and deadly martial art are now available for everyone. A valuable treasure trove for everyone interested in historical swordsmanship, by respected martial artists Hans Heim and Alex Kiermayer.

Alexander Kiermayer - Historic sword fighting teacher, long-term teaching experience in various Asian martial arts, licensed trainer,  police trainer

Hans Heim - Historic sword fighting teacher, Chairman of the "Ochs – Historische Kampfkünste" Association, long-term experience in martial arts from the Philippines
Overview of historical background/theory
General basics of historic sword fighting
“Huten” or basic positions
Basic strokes with the longsword
The five “master strokes” for the longsword
Advanced techniques
Drills and exercises

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