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   DVD - Introduction to the Italian Longsword
   Step-by-Step Guide to the Fundamentals of Longsword Combat

Price: $29.95
Item Number: AD000002

Follow along with Maestro d’Armi Devon Boorman as he leads you through the fundamentals of Medieval longsword combat. You will develop grace, power,
and effective martial skills with solo and partnered exercises that teach the foundation of this beautiful and powerful martial art. Ideal for beginners of all age levels and physical abilities.

1. Introduction to the Longsword
2. The Cut: Six Powerful Blows
3. Posture: Standing in Guard
4. The Thrust: Five Deadly Strikes
5. Attacking with Safety & Intention
6. Measure: Moving to the Target
7. Tempo: Opportunities to Attack
8. Defense & Counter Attack
9. From Drilling to Combat
10. Conclusion

Running time: 2 hours

About the Author

Devon Boorman is the Director of Academie Duello Centre for Swordplay. He co-founded the school in 2004 and under his leadership it has grown to become the largest school of its kind in the world. Devon’s expertise centres on the Italian swordplay tradition including the arts of the Renaissance Italian rapier, sidesword, and longsword, as well as knife and unarmed techniques.

He has won international competitions, taught workshops and seminars throughout the world and is actively involved in the translation, interpretation, and revival of Western Martial Arts from surviving historical manuals, several of which are on display at his school.


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